Overflow Church Facility Reservation 

Responsible Party:

Overflow Church is happy to serve our community by making our facilities available. In order to have our facilities ready for Sunday service, we ask that you please complete the following checklist after your event:
  • All dishes washed, dried and put away
  • Kitchen counters wiped down
  • All leftover food removed from counters and refrigerators
  • All trash taken out (trash bins are located behind the Next Gen Building and trash bags are located in the cleaning closet)
  • All bathrooms cleaned
  • Floors swept, mopped, and vacuumed
  • All music/tech equipment should remain on the stage or in its appointed area
  • All rooms should be set up for Sunday/Wednesday services
  • All decorations should be removed after your event
  • Doors locked upon exiting

By submitting this form, you are agreeing to adhere to all church safety protocols. If the facility is not Sunday/Wednesday service ready, the responsible party will be subject to a $100 cleaning fee. 

Type your new text here.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Pastor Bryan at 336-413-7174.

Thank you!